

Such a good feeling month.


I mean.. what does it feel like for you? I am only able to speak for myself. I have chosen to feel good and well, it feels good.


I choose ease.


I choose peace.


I choose open and uncomfortable conversations. Accepting what it is.


Being very intentional. Bringing all of my attention to my breathing. It feels good. So good.


What am I sensing?

Man, so much love available to you, you just got to allow it in. Let it in. Of course, we keep our guards up but we open up just enough to allow it to present itself to us. Then, we soak it all in. 

Soaking in all that you feel, All that you hear. All that you know. All that is. All that you taste.

All that you see.


So much happening in my world!


I am releasing a single, "Ran Away" in just a few days on March 28th #MUSICMONDAY. And, we've got a FIND YOUR RIMIDI event coming up, too! Check out the website for all of the deets! findyourrimidi.com


And as an extra goodie, I released a FULL MOON IN VIRGO meditation that I feel sums up everything for this Full Moon and the entire month of March. Enjoy!



Til next time,


Be easy,



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